Planes, trains and automobiles (and ferries)


We suggest flying into Arlanda airport. Airport code ARN.

From Arlanda airport to Stockholm


Trains into central Stockholm are quick, between 20 - 40 minutes direct, and cost around 205 SEK (€18 to €35 depending on fast train).

The airport station is Arlanda C, and the central station is Stockholm Central.

You can book tickets here

Or buy on the platform on the day.

Hotel Clara is a short walk from the station, around 15 minutes, or 5 minutes in a taxi.


There’s also a great, comfortable airport bus that departs Arlanda and goes into central Stockholm.

The buses go quite often, around every 15 minutes, and take around 40 minutes to get into central Stockholm.

It’s cheaper than the train at about 137 SEK (around €12) per person, groups of three or more get a discount.

The departure station is Arlanda, and it arrives at Stockholm C (Cityterminalen), the same place as the train station.

You can book up to three months in advance here.

Hotel Clara is a short walk from the bus station, around 15 minutes, or 5 minutes in a taxi.


Uber does exist in Stockholm, and you can expect to pay between 799+ SEK (€70 - €100) one way.

Taxi Stockholm

As another app you can use, they take dogs (if you ask in advance) and will pick you up from the airport with a cute little sign that makes you feel like a celebrity. Good if you also have celebrity-type money.



Get to the Nåttarö island

By train from Arlanda airport

From Arlanda airport there is a train with one change (in central Stockholm).

It takes two hours and costs around 205 SEK (€18).

You can buy your ticket at the station from the manned ticket desk plus your return.

We recommend downloading the SL app and buying your tickets from there directly.


Depart: Arlanda C

Arrive: Nynäshamn stn

Take the commuter train SL train (not the Arlanda express)

Route: SL Local traffic, Pendeltåg linje 40 + SL Local traffic, Pendeltåg linje 43

By train from central Stockholm

Commuter train as above, but it’s shorter as you’re already halfway there. Download the SL app and buy your tickets from there directly.

Depart: Central Stockholm

Arrive: Nynäshamn.

Route: SL Local traffic, Pendeltåg linje 43

By car

Nåttarö is a car free island, so you will need to leave the car in the port of Nynäshamn.

Parking at the terminal: 500 m from the terminal there is a fenced long-term parking which is open 06.00-24.00, and locked during the night. Fee: 230 SEK (€20) per 24 hours. at the terminal%3A 500,46 8-556 306 70.

Ferries to Nåttarö island

Ferries go around six times a day. The summer timetable for the ferries is still to be released. We will let you know once they are live. We advise getting to the dock about 30 minutes before the stated departure time. The ferry takes 30 minutes to reach the island.

On the morning of the 25th, Erik and Klara will depart for the island from Stockholm; we will let everyone know what time so you can join us on the journey if you like. We are more than happy to act as guides and take a big group with us.

Departing on Monday 28: We booked a private boat to take all guests back to the port on the mainland as one group - departure time on Monday TBC.

Departing on Sunday 27: We have to wait for the timetables to be released. If there is a large group that wishes to leave at the same time, we can look at booking an additional private boat. TBC

Important note: We estimate it takes around 4 hours to get from the island, onto the ferry, and then the train to the airport. Please take this into account when booking flights. Early morning flights, for example, would not be suitable as you cannot leave the island in time.