People & Contacts
Who you need to know, and how you can contact them
With any questions you can always contact Klara or Erik.
All questions
Klara Zakis +31 6 42 028 956
Erik Collinder + 31 6 28 377 637
Our wedding coordinator over the three days - contacts to be shared closer to the time.
Olle Collinder +46 70 757 7819
Nik Zakis +44 7 818 569 350
Please contact Olle or Nik if you would like to submit a traditional folk song/s to sing over the wedding dinner or if you would like to make a speech at some point over the weekend.
Crucial to the day…
…we have some VERY talented friends & family
- Andrew - our dear friend who will be marrying us.
- Selga and Krista - Klara’s wonderful cousins who will host the Latvian part of the wedding.
- Jules - Klara and Erik’s friend who has written and will read out her poem.
- Conor, Ina, Matt and Josh - the line up of DJs currently confirmed.
More to come…..