Who and what will keep us entertained over the three days
We have two wonderful toastmasters, Nik Zakis & Olle Collinder, who will guide us throughout the weekend—keeping this rowdy bunch together and on track.
There will be the opportunity to make speeches on Friday night and Saturday night.
If you want to make a speech, please contact olle.collinder+toastmaster@gmail.com by July 1st.
Nik and Olle will be in touch with arrangements closer to the time.
Be prepared to sing. Part of Swedish and Latvian weddings is singing. Be loud. Be proud. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the words. If you have a traditional celebration song in any language you would like to add to the roster, let us know by emailing klarazakis@gmail.com
On Friday night, we will be hosting a traditional barn dance on the island to kick off the three days; music will be provided by Klara’s talented father, Janis Zakis, and his ever-patient wife, Jo Zakis, who will talk us through all the dance moves.
On Saturday night, several of our talented friends will DJ well into the early hours. The full lineup is to be revealed. It’s totally up to each individual DJ if they take requests ;)
Things to do on the island
If you’re not terribly hungover each day, then good for you. For fresh faces, there’s a lot to keep you entertained; plenty of activities are available to you on this stunning island. Prices can be found on Nåttarö’s official website, and you can book when you arrive.
Stand-up paddle boarding
Rowing boats
Walking routes - (free)
Swimming (free)
And the classic, the sauna, available for up to 10 people at a time (also free)